
I understand the intent thereof, and I hereby agree to release from responsibility and waive all claims against Debbie Goldingham – Women’s Adventures NZ and any other parties connected with this event in any way, or person, singly or collectively, for any blame or liability, demand, injury, harm, loss of property or damage I might sustain as a result of participation in the Women’s Adventures NZ event and activities associated therewith.

I fully accept and assume all risks and all responsibility for the losses, costs and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the event.

I certify that I have read this waiver, fully understood that I have given up substantial rights by signing this waiver and have signed this waiver freely of my own will and accord.

I confirm that the information provided to be correct.

I agree that I will adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by Debbie Goldingham – Women’s Adventures NZ and her team.

I give full permission for the use of my first name and photograph in connection with this event.